Blog Post 3

First I added a layer to the US 1880 counties birthplace map to visualize the percentage of the population that was born in China. I then added another layer to visualize the percentage of the population that was born in Africa. This showed how people originating from different countries tended to stay in areas similar to others originating from their same country. Lastly, I added a layer that shows where the historical railroads were located throughout the country. 

Upon researching the spatial patterns I identified in my map, I discovered that the reason for the high percentages of Chinese population along the west coast was primarily due to the discovery of gold in California. Following the opium wars, many Chinese individuals lost their lands and suffered through years of floods, droughts and economic depression. Thus, upon hearing about the discovery of gold in California, many Chinese began migrating to California to make their fortune. The high percentage of Africans in southern states was due to the development of slavery and its popularity in the South. As plantations developed in the South, high numbers of Africans were captured and sent to the United States to work as slaves on the plantations. 

I believe that this dataset does a good job in recognizing the spatial patterns that coincide with major history events and foreign migration patterns. I believe that a limitation of this dataset is that the percentages shown in the varying colors are not the same range for the 2 different datasets (Chinese vs. African Nationality) which could cause misleading conclusions. I do believe the data is reliable and complete as it does line up with accurate history that has been taught for years. 



  1. Great choice to compare the locations of two different population groups! It was a unique idea that still was clearly communicated in its execution. Your explanation for the separate areas of Asian and African populations were also logical and well portrayed.

  2. I like that you included two very different groups of people in your map to analyze larger movement trends in the US. My first thought as you began explaining this was that the socio-economic status of these groups may have been a contributing factor to their lack of movement. These two groups were especially poor and discriminated against, making it hard for them to have the financial means to travel and spread out as a group. Nice job addressing the different scales for your data, that is something I may not have thought of.

  3. Your map does well at demonstrating how the actual data of where people of Chinese and African descent were located in 1880 aligns with the historical rationale for their presence there. Furthermore, including historical railroads demonstrates how the connection of the east and west coasts would allow immigration trends between these areas.

  4. I really liked the way you explained the historical context and your map clearly demonstrates that, especially with a historical event that many of us are well educated on and brining in one that many may not be educated on.


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